How To Make Rounded Images With CSS

By Cory LaViska on June 13, 2019

Need a perfectly round image without cropping or wrapping it in extra elements? Here are four lines of CSS that will save the day.

A kitten with a circular selection in the centerWe all know that setting border-radius: 50% on an image is an easy way to make it round, but that doesn't work so well if the image isn't perfectly square. Let's take a look at three different images from placekitten, one square, one portrait, and one landscape.

The original placekitten images
The original images. Aren't they adorable?

Since we want these to be perfectly round, like an avatar, we'll need to set the dimensions and add the usual border-radius trick. Let's use the rounded class to keep things simple.

<img src="" class="rounded">
<img src="" class="rounded">
<img src="" class="rounded">
img.rounded {
  height: 100px;
  width: 100px;
  border-radius: 50%;

Here's what we end up with. Notice how the portrait and landscape images are squished?

The placekitten sample images rounded, but squished
Please don't squish the kitties.

In the good ol' days of CSS, we'd need to crop the images manually or add a wrapper with some overflow: hidden magic to fix this. Fortunately, we have object-fit now!

img.rounded {
  height: 100px;
  width: 100px;
  border-radius: 50%;
  object-fit: cover;
The placekitten images perfectly round and not squished
The kitties thank you.

Perfect! With just four lines of CSS, we've managed to get rounded images that aren't squished. You're probably wondering what the catch is — there are two.

First, you don't have control over how the images are positioned. You're pretty much stuck with them being centered. Second, this property doesn't work in Internet Explorer. Of course, if you're targeting modern browsers, you're good to go!

Never used object-fit before? Learn more about it here.